Thursday 15 November 2012

The caste system is based on the qualities and  profession. It is not based on the birth as said in Gita . The Dharma Sastra says that the girl should love a boy who is a deserving fellow. If the deserving fellow is not seen in her caste, she can marry a deserving fellow of another caste but not an undeserving fellow of her own caste. But when two deserving fellows are seen, she should prefer the deserving fellow of her own caste. The reason is that the caste system is having certain type of language, food habits etc., The boy may be a vegetarian. But when his relatives come, the boy may force his wife to prepare the non-vegetarian food for the relatives. Then the girl will face the problems. Such things will lead to misunderstandings and even to separation. But these things are not very important when the question of qualities and devotion comes.
The Love Commandos are a Voluntary Organization in India dedicated to helping India’s lovebirds who want to marry for love, opting for a "love marriage" instead of an "arranged marriage" arranged by their parents according to their Jāti under the Indian Caste System, religion and economic status.
They were featured on the Aamir Khan hosted show Satyamev Jayate aired on 3 June 2012 24x7 Telephone helpline.

The 24x7 helpline number of  Love Commandos is 09313784375.

The simple act of falling in love opens up a world of emotions and reactions which sometimes culminate in crime – the death of the couple. Even if they escape death, lovers who go against religious and community barriers still have to face harassment and censure from society and, due to this pressure, rejection from their families. But the law is clear, that consenting adults are free to marry. And there is an organization which protects couples, helps them fight harassment and gives them shelter so they can marry freely.

Satya Mev Jayate episode about an Inter - Caste marriage.

Why inter-caste marriages are rejected in India?
There are various reasons because of which elders in the Hindu society flinch away from inter-caste marriages like:
They fear of the societal norms and social standing
Loss of reputation.
The cultural difference- they believe that the couple will not be able to settle down and religiously follow each other’s culture.
They believe that the children born out of the inter-caste marriage will not be perfect.
Torture that the family and the couple has to face at the hands of the society. 

The ill-effects of not approving the inter-caste marriages:
Hampering the growth of the society
Create fissures among different social groups and castes
Poses a threat to the national unity
Various love couples either end their life or are killed
What steps can be taken to convince the people to accept the inter-caste marriages trend?
It is the responsibility of the younger generation to make their elders realize that the rigid caste system is morbid and has a dark future ahead. The youngsters can take various steps on their part to demolish this system:
  The girl or boy should be introduced as a friend to the family and be allowed to earn their love and respect .
 The qualities of the person you love should be highlighted in front of the family members .
 Try and learn the customs of each other’s caste. This will enable you to earn the love of the family members. 
 Try and show your family members how this kind of systems are obstructing the progress of the nation.
Steps that have been already taken:

Government of India has made different laws to encourage inter-caste marriages
Social activists and groups are actively contributing to the create awareness among the people of the hazards of not accepting the inter-caste-marriages
Movies, plays, street plays, demonstrations, etc. have been used to demonstrate that inter-caste marriages should be allowed
Even after so much is done to curb this system yet it remains a social taboo. People of all castes have to stand together and fight this evil. Our write up is an effort to make you aware of the problems that are caused when inter-caste marriages are not accepted and is also an attempt to give suggestions to tackle them.

Inter-Caste Marriage And Benefits!!

kids from inter-caste marriages are exposed to learning two different cultures. But then, there is a challenge in putting efforts towards such marriages. Apparently, coming from two different upbringings and culture, it takes good initiative from the partners to ensure that the relationship works. That is possible through a strong force called love and understanding.  

Inter-religious marriages in India are now becoming a common feature and more and more individuals have realized that what makes a marriage work is having a partner who follows their own faith much like you do. Here are a few advantages of inter-religious marriages.
  • Tolerance
One of the many advantages of mixed faith marriages is the fact that both individuals are tolerant towards the others’ religion. I’ve known a couple of such a union who’ve been married for more than 25 years now, each individual allowing the other to follow their respective religions without forcing each other to follow each others’.
  • Sea of knowledge
Is there any rule that says that one should not read the Holy Book of a faith that they don’t follow? Of course not; couples of inter-faith marriages have an opportunity to learn about the other’s religion, which allows them to understand their spouse’s faith and respect it. Knowledge gained is something that is never wasted.
  • Celebrations
We are living in a country where everyone celebrates another’s religion. Ask a follower of Islam if he hasn’t burst crackers during Diwali? Ask a Hindu if they haven’t decorated a Christmas tree and stacked their homes with Christmas cake? Ask a Christian if they haven’t celebrated Eid with biryani and sewai? I know I’ve enjoyed all festivals even though I’m not in an inter-religious marriage. As humans, we simply need an excuse to celebrate and when individuals of different faiths join in matrimony, you can only imagine the lengths to which a festival will be celebrated.

  • Special Marriage Act.

Special Marriage Act allows any two individuals to marry (including intercaste marriages), irrespective of their religion, caste and nationality. It even applies to people living abroad, with Indian nationality. Therefore, any marriage under the Special Marriage Act is a Civil Marriage by registration. However, there are some conditions to be fulfilled under this act.

Neither party should have a living husband or wife.
Neither party should be a lunatic or insane.
The bridegroom should not be less than 21 years of age whereas the bride must be 18 years old.
The parties should not be involved in any prohibited relationship.
Both parties should be the citizens of and domiciled within the territories mentioned in the Act. 

My Opinion

  • Inter caste marriages help in Uniting all castes and religions.

  • Love has no caste or religion.

  • Love is god.

  • Lets create a Love filled Casteless Nation - Jai Hind.